What a Year?

What a Year ? [Wat een jaar] It was me something. Not so maar een jaar maar one with vele jumps. Not so literally because we have not been sitting on our saddles so much. We have been sitting more in the café but not more in Room. Ja sometimes where we sitting in a room but ook so now and den on the terrace which was hottted in the winter. Well did we make different tour tours where we sometimes on a terrace were sitting, sometimes not, to chat on the crisis in our club. Some did not know what they want, others also and one came from Haaren. Happy we can see this through the fingers and because we eat veel peultjes with Case we silent have fun two. And we are with seven but not always of is het always not. Joyig we have find an other place to rest which is also by ongeluk closer to Haaren. This pub is named the Times so we can read it and they have prime gebak. Our motto stays than ook: If it rains in September August is too hot to remember. The next annum we exist 5 years and than we will go loose. Also in 2010 our Priest was marrie to anne for 32 years and that was what he looked, very tired. It was maar good that the whole club was on the Party farm otherwise was the whole Party in the water gedropped. All paying members performed something – for the first time in that 4 years I saw them active – and plaid themselves. Our trophy the Silver Wellies was ook handed over and now sit on my piano. In brief: Veel geluld, lekker gesmuld en met wat geduld wordt ook 2011 wel weer gevuld. Mannen bedankt!